Promoting Vulnerables

2020-1-IT02-KA204-079031    - Duration 30 months (2020-2023) 

Beneficiary Soro Tori, Italy Tagliacozzo. 

Partner Asterion, France.

Partner Asociatia CFPC Constanta, Romania. 

Partner Asociación El Olivar,  Spain.

Partner Hiperactivity SLU , Spain.

The project seeks to foster the performance, learning and development of EU women an/or the ones with a migrant background to create/consolidate their career in Information Technology and/or Mathematical skills to have more job opportunities in Europe. The project aims to develop and test innovative materials on Mentoring & Coaching (M&C) for EU/migrant women/aged people over50 promoting new skills and Erasmus+ among all citizens and generations by offering exchanges of experiences to seniors with view to buildingand adding solidity to the European identity. A second focus will be on advisors/educators careers, that will be shared in an online European Website/Hub in all partner languages. 

The project is designed to take into account 3 critical intersections in Europe

  • First, the increasing influx of migrants.
  • Second, the age gap in IT-related jobs with a low European identity.
  • Third, the double disadvantage faced by skilled migrant women in the labour markets: they are women and they face a gender gap related with their incomes and they are skilled but their competences are not recognized. 

The proposal is innovative in contents: it responds to specific needs of EU/migrant women looking for a job in IT in Europe, producing contents to fit women with IT study or work background. It is innovative in approach, because it assumes as necessary to support migrant, women and aged and the advisors/educators working with them; it works with a bottom-up logic, developing materials based on a diagnostic assessment of beneficiaries’ training needs. As second the project is innovative in methods, because it proposes teaching and learning methodologies combining M&C and action learning to support personal self-development. 

Themethodology of the project is articulated in 4 steps: 

  • First, the preparation phase –carried out before the beginning of the project and within its first 4 months‒ to provide a solid background to begin;  
  • Second, the collaborative assessment step, aiming at increasing the understanding of training needs of EU/migrant women and aged willing to pursue a career in IT and their advisors. 
  • Third, the production phase concerning the development of training contents targeted to EU/migrant women and to career advisors/educators. 
  • Fourth, the virtual engagement phase, regarding the creation and use of an online hub to enhance the overall tools and to make available the materials across Europe.
Around 400 persons will be directly targeted in project activities, through focus groups, Training for advisors (TfA), and Learner’s Kits, a final EU conference, the virtual hub for training online the target groups and the community. In addition, around 1,000 persons will benefit from project activities through large dissemination actions implemented by the partners.

The mobilities and the exchange of good practices will contribute to achieving the project’s specific objectives in 3 ways: 

  • Increase the understanding of training needs for EU/migrant women/aged workers willing to begin a career in IT and of the career of advisors/educators working with them;
  • Assist migrants, women and aged with a technical background to develop transversal competences and to acquire practical information on employment prospects, career advancement, and possibilities for self-employment;
  • Provide career advisors/educators as well as trainers in partner organizations the support for learning, development and performance to help the target groups to develop their skills and attitudes.

The other outputs will be the Trainer's kit, accompanied by a virtual platform for training and online social community. Collateral outcomes will be dissemination and exploitation tools (presentations, seminars). All project results will be placed on the platform (with EPALE) storing digital resources under open access that will be functioning for a year after the conclusion of the project. The impact of the project is expected to be significant both numerically and in terms of empowering capacity of target groups; EU/migrant women/aged will benefit from the results, the exchange of experiences and the workshops fostering their employability in technical fields; career advisors, educators will gain skills that will increase their abilities in promoting their opportunities in the IT sector (mostly but not only); and trainers in project partner organisations will extend their expertise on training mentors. The project will therefore strengthen the links between the target groups identified before and the European labour market in need of skills and diversity, focusing on the social inclusion of aged/adults through the provision of effective outreach, guidance and motivation strategies and extending and developing educators’ competence. The activities are oriented to reinforce the EU identity in these groups but especially for the aged people and migrants in order to have a better social integration not obly job related.

WAM Story  Hiperactivity


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